
Code Intelligence at it-sa 2019

published 2019-10-19, written by Elena

It-sa is the largest IT event in Germany with focus on IT security and a must-visit for everyone who is interested in cybersecurity trends. This year Code Intelligence exhibited at it-sa for the first time and it turned out to be a success!

We spent very busy three days at our stall, talking to visitors, conducting live software demonstrations and handing out product flyers.

paul corrales it-sa booth
sergej  dechand it-sa presentation

On Tuesday, Sergej held an engaging talk on automated software testing. He described the challenges that human factor brings into software testing and why test automation is of paramount importance. The later a bug is discovered in the development process, the more financial (and sometimes reputational) damage is caused. Sergej demonstrated how feedback-based fuzzing can be integrated into CI/CD process even by developers without prior fuzzing knowledge.

You can watch the video here (in German)