
Effortless Application Testing

We help development teams to build secure software by automating security testing. Try our unique developer-friendly testing platform and prevent bugs from getting into your software!

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What we offer

Tired of false positives in static code analysis? Don’t have the time for tuning dynamic application testing? 

Code Intelligence offers a software testing platform enabling you to produce reliable and secure code. We provide a "no experience required", usability-focused implementation of cutting edge technologies including feedback-based fuzzing and symbolic code execution. CI Fuzz plugs into common IDEs and CI/CD frameworks for optimal integration into existing software development workflows.

Your Testing Platform for Effortless Software Security

Reduced Time & Costs

Finding bugs early avoids follow-up costs up to 60% and reduces your time to market.

Fuzzing for Everyone

No security expertise needed - fuzz tests become easier than writing unit tests. Our smart fuzzing orchestration maximizes the results from modern fuzzing in your dev lifecycle.

Effortless Integration

Our CI/CD-agnostic platform ensures seamless integration into your existing development process and tooling. 

Smart Bug Detection

Sophisticated bug and vulnerability detection without false positives: Our platform detects bugs no other SAST/DAST/IAST does.

Unmatched Code Coverage

The unique combination of industry-leading fuzzing engines allows maximization and visualization of code coverage.

Feedback-based Fuzzing for:

Why Organizations Choose Code Intelligence

With Code Intelligence, securing your software can take new paths in terms of quality and efficiency.
Thomas Tschersich // Chief Security Officer // Deutsche Telekom
Code Intelligence enables us to easily integrate alternative automated approaches to ensure quality; especially the features for non-context-free automation take us further.
Helge Harren // Head of Section | Senior Vice President // Derivatives & Cash Trading IT // Application Development Trading Frankfurt // Deutsche Börse AG